Bitola/Heraclea Lyncestis, 3rd century BC

Bitola/Heraclea Lyncestis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), around 10 A.D.

(41°00′ 39″ N,  21° 20′ 33″ E)

10-Herakleja Linkestidska - 3Fig. 1. The sundial pedestal with the donor inscription

11-Herakleja Linkestidska - 2Fig. 2. The plaster reconstruction (M. Tadić, S. Gavrić, 1990)


Tadić, M.,  Janakievski, T. (1993). Antički sunčanik iz Herakleje Linkestidske. Vasiona 41 ( 2/3),  41–43

Tadić, M. (1999). Old Sundials on the Territory of Former Socialistic Republic of Yugoslavia, BSS Bulletin. 99.3, 139-142.