Orebić (Croatia), Franciscan monastery Our Lady of Angels, end of the 16th century
Orebić (42° 58′ 40″ N, 17° 09′ 13 “E), Badija ( 42° 57″ 06″ N, 17° 09′ 44″ E), Rožat ( 42° 40′ 19″ N, 18° 07′ 30″ E), Slano (42° 47′ 08″ N, 17° 53′ 25” E)
Fig. 1. The shadow of the long horizontal bar moves across the frontal section of the hollow half-circle (r = 20 cm) divided into 12 equal parts, and shows the period of the day
Fig. 2. The half-circle sundials from the monasteries of former Dubrovnik Francickan province (Orebić – a, Rožat – c, Slano – d) and Badija island (b), made in the 15th and 16th century; these sundials are improvised, unskilful copies of the antique Berosos-type sundials.
Tadić, M. (1997). Dalmatinische Halbe Hohlkalotten-Sonnenuhren (ungenaue Nachbildungen nach Berosos). Rundschreiben, Nr.14, 6–7
Tadić, M. (1999). Old Sundials on the Territory of Former Socialistic Republic of Yugoslavia, BSS Bulletin. 99.3, 139-142.
Tadić, M. (2011). Medieval Sundials in former FPR Yugoslavia (SFRJ), In. Arnaldi, M., Tempus et Regula (Orologi Solari Medievali Italiani) (pp. 313–320). Ravenna: AMArte