Yasenevo District (Raion of Moscow, Russia), 2022
ГБОУ Школа № 1694 «Ясенево»
GBOU School №1694 ”Yasenevo”
Индивидуальные школьные солнечные часы, изготовленные на уроке природоведения во втором классе в школе №1694 в Ясенево. Урок по изготовлению солнечных часов проводили студенты первого курса экологического факультета Российского государственного геологоразведочного университета им. С. Орджоникидзе под руководством проф. Ольги Хлебосоловой при участии методиста школы Владимира Пилипчука и учителя начальных классов Анны Амановой. Консультант, Милутин Тадич.
Фотографии с урока: Марина Назарова, педагог-организатор ГБОУ «Школа № 1694 Ясенево», и Пилипчук Владимир, методист по краеведению и музейной работе.
An individual school sundial made at a natural history lesson in the second grade at school No. 1694 in Yasenevo. A lesson on making a sundial was conducted by first-year students of the Faculty of Ecology of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University. S. Ordzhonikidze under the guidance of prof. Olga Khlebosolova with the participation of school methodologist Vladimir Pilipchuk and primary school teacher Anna Amanova. Consultant, Milutin Tadic.
Photos from the lesson: Marina Nazarova, teacher-organizer of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1694 Yasenevo”, and Pilipchuk Vladimir, methodologist in local history and museum work. Tadic.
55° 36′ 52” N, 37° 32′ 52” E

Fig. 1. Professor Olga Khlebosolova with student demonstrators and primary school teacher Anna Amanova during the introductory part of the lesson.

Fig. 2. Students-demonstrators (left to right): Maria Fomicheva, Elga Dovbysh, Daria Chernyaeva.

Fig. 3. Last instructions before starting work.

Fig. 4. “Watchmaking workshop IIg” at the beginning of the work. First, the circular base of the sundial had to be cut.

Fig. 5. As expected, the girls were more skilful and patient in “tailoring” work.

Fig. 6. The most tangible part of the job: students carefully cut a “tent” that should cast a shadow on the sundial.

Fig. 7. At the next stage of work, the students decorated their sundial with drawings. Three nominations (themes) were offered to the children to participate in the competition of drawings on clocks: 1) May there always be sunshine; 2) My favorite place on Earth; 3) How do I understand the word “happiness”. The children chose the theme they liked and painted the clock mostly with colored pencils. Most of the children chose the first topic: they drew the sun, the colors of the solar spectrum. Fewer children drew on the second theme: they depicted their school, home, summer vacation at sea. The same number chose the third theme and drew their families (including a parrot), where all generations hold hands in unison, or a sunny day, native birch trees near the school, or something abstract.

Fig. 8. Painting a sundial, a phase of work that the students could hardly wait for.

Fig. 9. Children are immersed in art. Guess what themes of drawings they chose.

Fig. 10. Students-demonstrators and Vladimir Pilipchuk, methodologist for local history and museum work, GBOU “School No. 1694 Yasenevo” actively helped the children in their work.

Fig. 11. Students with sundials that they designed themselves. It remains to take them out into the sun, orient themselves, and “put them to work”.

Fig. 12. Group photo at the end of a successful class.

Fig. 13. Professor Olga Khlebosolova, at the end of the class: “Dear pupils, remember the SUN SHINES EVERYONE!”