Sombor (Serbia), The presbytery of the Holy Trinity Church, 1850
(45° 46′ 23″ N, 19° 06′ 50″ E )
Fig. 1. The original sundial (2001). The constructor of the original sundial was a Serbian monk, teacher and lecturer Jovan Čokor, who is considered to be the first Serbian amateur astronomer; the bilingual (Serbian and Hungarian) inscription: “One of these [hours] is your last!“

Figure 2. The original sundial was moved to the City Museum of Sombor (left) in 2013, and replaced by a replica (right).

Tadić, M. (1998). News from Yugoslavia: Project of a Catаlogue of Yugoslav Sundials. BSS Bulletin. 98.1, 40-41.
Tadić, M. (1998). Old Sundials in Serbian Lands. BSS Bulletin. 98.3, 39-40.