Stubline, the Intercession of the Theotokos Church, 2017
(44° 34′ 30″ N, 20° 09′ 15″ E, A = 92°)
Fig. 1. The sundial was lifted to the church’s belfry (9 meters high) by a loading crane. The crane was provided by the Obrenovac Electro-Distribution company.
Fig. 2. Almost finished… All the sundial’s elements were made of prochrom (the gift from the Stubline’s Alatnica Barovic Company).
Fig. 3. Just before the “landing”…
Fig. 4. The sundial’s dimensions: 1. 6 x 1.5 m. The content: 1) a Central European Summer time dial; 2) the hyperbole marks the route of the end of the shadow on October 14; 3) the inscription below the hyperbole: “The Intercession of the Theotokos”; 4) A & Ω – simple and understandable symbolism; see also:
Fig. 5. A group portrait after the installation